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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thinking up a storm

Individual study brainstorming:

Religion, gods and myths
-          The importance of religion to the ancient Greeks
-          How religion impacted their values and beliefs
-          How religion was incorporated into daily life
-          Research the different myths, the importance and significance of each god
-          The importance of the myths and stories about the gods
-          How these stories impacted the Greeks lives, morals and beliefs
-          The importance of fate
-          Sacred places and objects in Greek religion
-          The relationship between mortals and immortals

Politics and democracy
-          The Greeks are famous for having invented the first democracy, but their democracy is very different to what we call democracy today.
-          To what extent was Athens actually a democracy?
-          Research, who could vote, who one could vote for…
-          If it wasn’t a democracy, what was it?
-          Research the political structure of ancient Greek
-          Could compare it to another ancient political structure

I think I am leaning towards doing something about the democracy and politics of ancient Greece, it has a little more direction, because myths and religion is a huge topic. What does everyone think?  

Monday, April 25, 2011

Barr Smith library visits.

I am now a proud member of the Barr Smith library since March 21st (: 
First visit was with my classics class to get our membership and learn about all of the rules and regulations ect.. Since then I visited on Saturday 16th of April to do a bit of browsing on proposed individual study topics, and to try and get my head around the extensive call number system! but I didn't borrow because I knew I was going to be away for a majority of the holidays and I didn't want this break to eat into my borrowing time. I will be visiting again in the next few days to do some borrowing, hopefully I will have decided on my individual study topic by then!